
Princess Acire Feaa Simms
Age: 39 Wt: 115 Ht: 5'4" Eye: Ice blue Hair: Platinum blonde
Home: 2361 Monarch Court, located in the gardens district on Lost Angles Island, Florence. Acire's K9 ability to summon butterflies is complimented by her ability to control them. The butterfly is not often considered a dangerous species but the Florecian angel duster butterfly secretes the worlds most powerful neuro-venom. Other species of butterflies reach the size of dragons, while others have powerful magic properties. Once she masters her power to Alpha level, she will be able to control and communicate with all butterflies on the planet. Side note: She is both charming and intelligent, an excellent choice to take over my work once I die.
 Captain Tyrus Kmar Rark (half warlock)
Age: 48 Wt: 203 Ht: 6'4" Eye: Green Hair: Light brown
Home: The Rark Estate, located within the Mega City of Eastern Lights, Atlantis.

Although, for most of his journey, he will be aboard the A.F.S. Archaic Fusion.

Tyrus was born with Alpha level magic. Which is odd since he carries no human genes.  The merging of his Atleatian and warlock genes focused his ability to draw upon Florences magical into a singular but dangerous power.  Tyrus can summon any creature he has previously enchanted. One enchanted, he can conjure them to his exact location no matter the distance.  They obey him with utter loyalty regardless of their previous feelings about him. Dragons seem to be the only creature he is incapable of enchanting, but time will tell. He is a master swords man, which is why I have hired him to instruct my niece-in-law in swordplay. Side note: Tyrus has a sharp mind rivaling Urza's. If possible have him work with Acire in preventing the rivaling species from ripping the planet apart.
 Lord Nitsud Alexandros
Age: 20 Wt: 210 Ht: 6'1" Eye: Cobalt Hair: Light brown
Home: The Alexandros Estate, located in the center of the Mega City of Alexandros, Atlantis. Nitsud is Lord of the Mega city Alexandros. He plays an important role, keeping Urza's ever rising power in check. Nitsud is master of informations systems and android development. His city is one of the most protected as he has an imense army of androids possesing super-atleatian strength. His palace is designed after 14th centrury terran design. He also has a giant AI robot named Bob that has increadible fire power.