Kindred Registry

What are you doing in here?

Oh, Anton let you in.  Well, I guess it's ok then.  My name is Steve and I'm a Kindred Tech...oh, no I'm not Kindred.  My magic is to turn sand pink.  What I mean is that I man the Kindred Registry.  There's a Tech for each of the Florence Masters, I serve the Master Healer, Janice Oeger.  I'm guessing you're hear to take a look at our registry? Since Anton approved it.  I'm currently working on a project for the Master Healer so you'll only be able to access K6 and up.  I hope that's ok.  It is! Great!

Now it's pretty cut and dry: They are separated by Kindred Level and broken down by ID, Name and Magic.  If the name is in parenthesis that means the person is dead.  And asterisk symbolizes that they cannot rule.  For example, Leslie and Laura.  They are Hamilton's Tower Guards, a important position that makes them indispensable.  Tower guards are hired directly by Kristopher and the king pays him an obscene amount of joules to select the best!  Oops, I got to get back to work...enjoy.

Kindred Alpha

KAATJO     -dual-

Joyce Atimen

Alter then inanimate                                                           Alter inanimate palaces
KABOGU Gus Bootmaker Control Boots
KAHUKR* Kristopher Hunter Knowledge
KAXEMA* Aryam Xela Mind control

Kindred Beta

BEATLE* Lester Atrimen Make dreams come true
BECAHA Hank Caviler Reverse things temporarily
[BETEZA]KING Zachary Tempest Control storms
BEOEJA Janice Oeger Know entire medical history of any organic

Kindred Nine

K9BOJI Jimmy Bond Make anything a weapon
K9CHWE Wesley Christianson Change forms of weapons
K9DARA Raymond Dam Transfer emotions
K9DOKE Kevin Donny Produce energy blasts through fingers
K9FIAD Adrian Filibuster Control winds
K9LIJU Judy Little Borrow magic of equal or lesser caliber
K9PEJO Joseph Peace Make a fifty meter radius of non-hostility
K9PEAN Ann Core Performane Duplicate inanimate matter
K9PEMA Mathew Petty Move objects
K9SMJO Jon Smith Control animals through music
K9SIAC Acire Simms Control butterflies

Kindred Eight

K8BAAL Alison Bailey Make things sprout wings
K8BACE-dual- Celeste Baker Whistle clay to life                                                 Increase temperature
K8BAFR Fred Baron Paralyze/un-paralyze
K8CHSE Sethen Chance Play back a small portion of time
K8DHHW Hwos Dhere Make people visible/invisible
K8LAMU Murphy Law Cause anything to go wrong
K8GAVE Vernon Gardener Conjure magical plants
K8GOST Steve Gone Create music
K8GOME Mel Good Animate gold
K8GOMA Mary Good Alter metal
K8HEKW Kweenof Heart Make things go her way
K8JOAM Amy Jove Summon birds
K8ONAD Adam One Control dogs
K8ONEV Eve One Control cats
K9WODA Daisy Wonder Animate iron

Kindred Seven

K7BALA* Laura Basset Enchanted hair
K7BABA Banti Baker Bless things
(K7DOJA) Jane Doe Make women forgettable
(K7DOJO) John Doe Make men forgettable
(K7NOAA) Aaron Nobody Make objects intangible
K7--RO Rosswell Conjure weapons
(K7SHJO) Joseph Shmoe Erase objects
(K7SOHO) Homer Sonsim Increase an objects specific gravity

Kindred Six

K6ATLE Leslie Atrimen Enchanted giggle
K6CACA Callista Caprice Create mirages
K6FERE Rebecca Fernley Shape change to any organic

...system busy